The Credico Scam- Your Loved One may be in a Pyramid Scheme

Haisam Mubarik
3 min readFeb 11, 2023

Haisam Mubarik. Feb 2023

Same applies to Cydcor, Smart Circle and similar companies

“They” refers to Managers/Uplines.

I worked under Credico from 2016–2017 and I want to help others make the same mistake.

  1. Like a cult, they tell you to ignore the idea of the business from anyone outside it. This means ignoring your family. They even write out scripts on how to dodge questions and protect the business.
  2. They play semantics and get…



Haisam Mubarik

I have various experience in Sales roles. Going into 2023, I'm in a transitionary period finding the right job. I love self-help, finance and public speaking.