Stop Waiting for the Lightbulb — Motivation (Post 7)

Haisam Mubarik
5 min readOct 27, 2020

In movies, there’s a common trope where the protagonist has a “lightbulb” idea or the antagonist has a sudden change of heart about their evil perspective. This is usually accompanied by an energetic, lightning-like theme composed by a Hans Zimmer type. This serves a purpose in motivating us; showing us that we can instantly change our lives. But it’s an incomplete picture and therefore misleading. Aside from Hollywood, young entrepreneurs do this as well! In this post, I’d like to make clear where this idea fails.



Haisam Mubarik

I have various experience in Sales roles. Going into 2023, I'm in a transitionary period finding the right job. I love self-help, finance and public speaking.