Mantra or Misfire: My Experience with Words of Affirmations (Post 8)

Haisam Mubarik
4 min readDec 7, 2020

I’ve always been a bit skeptical. I’m not a hater or a nonbeliever of ideas or progress. I believe in good. If you came to me with a world changing idea, I’d encourage you. I’m an optimist. What I don’t do is blindly accept ideas or give into things because the masses say so. I like to question things. I do the same with religion, politics, business and the list goes on. Leaders need to think differently than others. We need to think deeper and with a critical eye. We need to do our research before we spread info to our followers.



Haisam Mubarik

I have various experience in Sales roles. Going into 2023, I'm in a transitionary period finding the right job. I love self-help, finance and public speaking.